Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gordon Brown - Where Did It All Go Wrong ?

Confronting David Rockefeller

Congressman: Obama's Disregard Of Law 'Has Reached An Unprecedented Level'

Vatican : False Prophet Pope Francis removes anti gay Cardinal from High...

A Cover-Up of PayPal's NSA Involvement?

Ready, set, go. AAP to form government

9/11 Truth Panel with Loose Change + Core of Curruption Filmmakers

Ed Asner Breaks the Set on 9/11 Truth, the Hollywood Left, and Syria Int...

Ed Asner Breaks the Set on 9/11 Truth, the Hollywood Left, and Syria Int...

Невинные жертвы незаконных сталинских репрессий, Часть 2

Невинные жертвы незаконных сталинских репрессий, Часть 3

Girl Born With No Eyes or Nose Receives a Miracle

Meet Tonik, the Dog with a Human Face

November 2013 Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA 1 of 5 - La...

Strong 5.6 EARTHQUAKE strike INDIAN OCEAN RIDGE 12.22.13

Kim Jong Uns Uncle Jang Song Thaek gets publicly arrested! [at 3:45][Eng...

North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un

День "Секретных территорий" №12. Секретные территории. "НЛО. Секретные ф...

День "Секретных территорий" №12. Секретные территории. "НЛО. Секретные ф...

Секретные территории: Бермудский треугольник - Тайные врата

Mega TBM for Seattle tested in Japan

Пресс-конференция Михаила Ходорковского

Homeless Fighter (RT Documentary)

More than 100 search for missing Jeremiah Oliver

How did the NSA hack our emails?

Obama's Forged Birth Certificate Brings Call For Revolution

PM Netanyahu's Remarks at Beginning of Cabinet Meeting - 22.12.2013

Who Controls the U.S. Government and the Gap Between Rich and Poor: Noam...

Stunning Revelations From Attorney Who Gained Victory In NSA Case

How to see what government agency is spying on your phone

Carl Gallups: "The Rabbi Who Found Messiah"

British report details post 9/11 torture of US detainees

British report details post 9/11 torture of US detainees

JPMorgan Chase CEO could face jail time

Edward Snowden vindicated, NSA on the ropes

Director Behind Obama Birth Certificate Dies in Plane Crash


Venezuela's Maduro posts pictures with Fidel Castro

Venezuela's Maduro posts pictures with Fidel Castro

» Geithner arrested 116 major bank resignations PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO...

Israeli Lobby corrupts congress and drags USA into wars

Michael Scheuer - Israel Is Spying On The U.S., Stealing Technology & Br...

Transforming America into a Giant Prison

Black Budget: US govt clueless about missing Pentagon $trillions