Sunday, February 16, 2014

Radical New Global Agenda Written by White House Administrator

'Gimme Shelter' A movie about the gift of life, challenges and all...

The Farm Bill vs. America

Senator Johnson Defends Senator Lee's Budget

Senator Lee Explains why Secretary Geithner is Mistaken about the 14th A...

Senator Lee Explains why Secretary Geithner is Mistaken about the 14th A...

Senator Lee and FBI Director Mueller on NDAA and FISA

Senator Lee Questions Secretary Clinton on the Law of the Sea Treaty

Senator Lee Questions Eric Holder on Executive Orders

军情解码 20131124 台军瞄上尖端武器幕后玄机




Republic of China Air Force IDF Upgrade program 經國號戰鬥機翔昇計畫

Republic of China Air Force IDF 台灣經國號( IDF )啟示錄 1

Republic of China Air Force IDF 台灣經國號( IDF )啟示錄 1

Republic of China Air Force IDF 台灣經國號( IDF )啟示錄 1

Taiwan Air Force -Goshawk- Fighter jet IDF demo flight

Taiwan Air Force -Goshawk- Fighter jet IDF demo flight

Taiwan Air Force -Goshawk- Fighter jet IDF demo flight

Singapore Military Power

Philippine Air Force VS Royal Malaysian Air Force Firepower

Philippine Air Force VS Royal Malaysian Air Force Firepower

Japan Military Heavy Tanks and Armored Vehicle Firepower 2014

U.S. Army Japan - Orient Shield 12: Strykers Arrive in Japan

US Army I Corps and Japanese Ground Defense Force Begin Yama Sakura 65

U.S. Marines - Direct Action Raid, Assault Amphibious Vehicle Egress

Marine Armored Cars in Action

Norwegian navy blew up its OWN ship Killing missile blows up a frigate

Kongsberg Defence Systems - Naval Strike Missile (NSM) Anti-Ship Live Fi...

Kongsberg - F-35 & Land-Based Joint Strike Missile (JSM) Combat Simulati...

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Traitors Of America!" - (1/22/14)

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Traitors Of America!" - (1/22/14)

Gerald Celente - SGT Report - February 15, 2014