Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Protesters clash with Anahiem polie . City Hall .

Syria in Action on LIVE TV----Syria Safe Again. (Midan)

Clinton slams 9/11 conspiracy heckler

Protesters, police clash in Anaheim following fatal shootings

YouTube - A message from Anonymous Security.


U.S Airways Flight 1549 Audio Tape

NY Mayor Bloomberg Calls For Police To Strike Until Americans Give Up Th...

Buying guns, ammo used in Colo. shooting

CAT CEO optimistic after record profit

Princess Diana~ Isn't She Lovely!

Princess Diana - Mini Bio

Fidel Castro - Mini Bio

Anonymous - Battle for the Internet: Intellectual Property Attache Act


25 7 Yalda Damascus أوغاريت يلدا ريف دمشق , تحليق مروحي فوق سماء المدينة...

25 7 Yalda Damascus أوغاريت يلدا ريف دمشق , تحليق مروحي فوق سماء المدينة...

A 4th Generation Oyster Fisherman, and Early Ties to Oyster Industry

Ron Paul talks about the Bilderberg Group

Secret society Bilderberg is controlling the world?

25 cctv mein kaid loot

News Bulletin -- 04:00 GMT

Clinton: Russia & China will 'pay price' for supporting Assad

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: 9/11: The Pentagon [Season 2, Epis...

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: 9/11: The Pentagon [Season 2, Epis...