Monday, December 16, 2013

Hundreds of Armored Vehicles Spotted on Train in Salem, OR

McCain BAFFLES Russian communists promising to respond to Putin's op-ed ...

Critical Direction of U.S. Foreign Policy "Iran, China, Syria,.." .

Are you ready for what's coming? Part 1

an Update on whats coming.

Mercenaries In The Modern World

BlackBerry Enterprise Services 10 (BES10) helping SNT work smarter

1956 Boeing Corporate Film: Jet Stratotanker 250202-06

Clip of the Week - The Assassination of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia

LBJ, MasterMind of JFK Assassination ? ? ?

This is How Diamonds are Made -BBC Documentary

Serap Akıncıoğlu: Kuran ahlakını yaşayan Müslümanların el ele vermesi ge...

Salman Khurshid's tribute to Nirbhaya

What Drives War? -- David Swanson on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3)

What Drives War? -- David Swanson on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3)

Fukushima Nuclear update for the last couple days. 12/1/13

Tower of Inferno: Blaze burns out 20-floor building in China

Нам и не снилось. Звёзды на службе. 1 серия

Нам и не снилось. Звёзды на службе. 1 серия

Нам и не снилось. Звёзды на службе. 2 серия

NSA Tapping the Pope's Phone

NSA use spying laws to tap into Yahoo, Google traffic

ALERT: Did NSA Use Google Earth Photo Truck To Stalk Me?

Shuttle's Boosters Recovered in HD