Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chinese Mafia destroy Illuminati - Interview with D. Rockefeller - Benja...


George W Bush Practically Admits 9/11 was a 'Conspiracy' Plot - Latest I...

Twin Towers the missing tape more raw footage of the World Trade Center ...

BUSH FINALLY indirectly CONFESSED about true nature of 911 False Flag Te...

14 States prepare for Civil War

Civil War And The Litmus Test - "Will you shoot Americans?"

Free the People 2013: Glenn Beck

China to invade the United States under Obama's Declaration of Martial L...

Woman BLASTS Anti-Choice, Anti-Science Lawmakers in Texas

Dramatic video: Boy run over by car, crowd lifts vehicle & saves him

Stasi 2.0? US Fed workers to spy & snitch on each other

Castro to brothers: "You're never going to see me again" (Part 1 full in...

Thank You's for Venezuela, Protests for the DOJ

Illuminati Mysteries Revealed! (playlist)

Obama federalizes All 50 States On July 4th!

Litany of Lies: NSA leaks, Iran, Syria true facts shatter voters' faith ...

Cuba-bound jet detour sparks speculation Snowden on board

Queen Mother Procession to Lying-in-State prior to funeral - Rafe Heydel...

Report: Ahmad Samir Assem's last video of army sniper that shot him 7/6/...

Report: Ahmad Samir Assem's last video of army sniper that shot him 7/6/...

No Agenda Show: Thursday (7-11-13) Episode 529 - No Coup

Human rights: Universal or flexible?